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  Students will be kind and gentle in their behavior towards their classmates and will maintain complete silence and perfect discipline when the college is functioning.
  Students will cultivate good habits and will not do anything which will affect the prestige and healthy atmosphere of the school.
  Novels, Periodicals, pictures, cutting instruments, toys and other articles must not brought to class , or else they will be confiscated.
  All students will take active part in games, physical drill, debates, dramatic performance and such other co-curricular activities, as they are absolutely essential for their development.
  No student is allowed to represent any team or club except the college team.
  Any student joining the college excursion will do so entirely on the responsibility of his / her parent / guardian.
  Student should not take part in any political activity.
  A student should be abe to look after his/her own belongings and be neat. Coats, raincoats, caps, jerseys, umbrellas, tiffin boxes and all books must be marked with the name and class of the owner. It is not advisabe for pupil to have money or any other valuable articles with him. The college will not accept any responsibility of things lost by students
  Student should be particularly careful not to throw rubbish anywhere in the college premises. They should use bins specially provided for the purpose. Student will keep their class rooms and college premises clean.
  While walking along the corridors or the staircases students must walk in silence and in the single lane.
  No parties in the college, or college picnics allowed without a prior permission of the principal.
  Students are not allowed to play any matches in the name of the college with any outside team.
  Students must not bring mobile phones, walkman & similar electronic gadgets to the college. Once confiscated will not be returned.
  After the college, students should leave immediately or remain inside the college campus if necessary.